Conjunctional Sale Agreement

What is a conjunctional sale agreement?
It is a legally binding agreement between salespeople from different real estate companies to split the commission of a property sale. Often a salesperson might be assisting buyers and will request a conjunctional agreement from the listing salesperson currently advertising a property for sale. It is very important to understand that the salespeople who enter into a conjunctional sales agreement both act on behalf of the vendor when it comes to their legal obligations. All salespeople have a duty of care towards the purchaser/s in addition to their duties and legal obligations towards the vendor/s. Purchasers are often under the impression that the salesperson who is taking them to view a property is looking after their interest above that of the vendor, but this is only the case if they, the purchasers, have signed up with that salesperson under a Buyer's Agent Agreement.
Request to enter into a conjunctional sale agreement
Haze Real Estate normally does not enter into conjunctional sale agreements with any salesperson during the first month of the listing going live as active buyers will find the listing and contact the listing salesperson directly.
If you wish to enter into a Conjunctional Sale Agreement with a Haze Real Estate, please complete the form below and wait for confirmation that your request has been accepted. Without an accepted agreement in writing in place, you will not be allowed to bring buyers to the property. If you just arrive at a viewing /open home with buyers without written acceptance of your request for a conjunctional agreement, Haze Real Estate will not acknowledge it as a conjunctional agreement. Approval of such an agreement will not be granted retrospectively.